Eagle Point Church

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Be What You’ve Never Been

And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. (Exodus 12:1-2)


 Thought For Today:

Now that the Lord has allowed you to see a new year, what are you going to do for Him during this year that you didn't do last year?  Are you going to continue to live the same way you did last year, or will you do something greater with your life?  What goals are you going to make for yourself?  You can look back and say I wish I had last year, or you can look ahead and say, "I will this year."  You can embrace the vision that God gives you for your life and go after it.  You can become a better person than you were last year.  You can become a helper to others.  You can read your Bible through.  You can increase your prayer life.  You can teach more home Bible studies.  You can become an encourager to others.  Whatever you decide to do with your life you must start today.  This is a new month and a new year for you.  Make the changes that matter, because only what you do for Christ will last.