Close Your Windows

Psalms 101:1-3

I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing. I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me"

 Thought For The Day: 

Once you’ve experienced the delivering power of God’s mercy you can never be the same. The moment we have been set free from the bondages of sin, we automatically begin to see the world differently. I can remember walking outside after a prayer meeting and thinking, “the world just looks so different right now”. Have you ever heard the saying, “The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul”.  Scripture tells us to set no wicked thing before your eyes. Perhaps the eyes become the gateway that allows entry of the good and/or bad things into our hearts. Here’s an idea, keep your eyes on Gods word. Keep your eyes on the heavenly things. Focus on Eternal things. 

 Sing with me: 
Oh, Be careful little eyes watch you see! Be careful little eyes watch you see! For the father up above is looking down from above so Be careful little eyes watch you see!
So be careful little ears what you hear! So be careful little ears what you hear! For the father up above is looking down from above so Be careful little ears watch you hear!
So be careful little hands what you do! So be careful little hands what you do! For the father up above is looking down from above, so be careful little hands what you do!
So be care little feet where you go! So be care little feet where you go! For the father up above is looking down from above, so be care little feet where you go!

Fear of Failure


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