Eagle Point Church

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Follow Your Vision

And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. (Acts 16:9)

Thought For Today:

I have heard many testimonies where people have claimed to have seen a heavenly vision. Paul was a man of vision. His giftedness played an integral role in the workings of the Lord. In Acts 16:9, Paul sees a man in Macedonia saying come over and help us. And because of this vision, Paul changed his course and headed into Macedonia. But when Paul arrived, he found himself teaching, baptizing, and teaching again (Acts 16:13-15); no men but women; and fulfilling Matthew 28:19. But it wasn't until he cast a devil out of a woman, was beaten and cast into the inner prison that he got to meet the man in the vision (Acts 16:16-40). What if Paul had not followed his vision? What if he had just assumed that it was a dream and may or may not come to pass. No, Paul followed his vision and Macedonia received the gospel and the church at Philippi was birthed because a man prayed that someone would come over and help them. There is a cry for help these days. Many families and people are crying out to God for someone to come and help them. So the next time you receive a vision of someone praying and calling out to you, don't stand still, but follow your vision. It just might be a door of opportunity for you.