I Did It
The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil. (Proverbs 13:19)
Thought For Today:
My wife often asks me what my day holds. In other words, she is asking me, "What do you have planned or what are you going to be doing today?" If it's summer and I have plans for doing work around the house, I will tell her the things I have planned. And when I finish, I always feel so good when I can look at my list and see that everything I had planned for the day was accomplished. The same holds true for church workdays. The list looks so long at first, but when the day is done, and everything is accomplished, we all feel good about what we have accomplished.
Ask the young adults who walk across the stage on graduation and are handed their diplomas how it feels. Ask the young soldiers how they feel when they have completed basic training. There is that sense of inner pride of accomplishment that is so sweet to the feeling of doing what you have set your hand to do, that you just say to yourself, "WOW, I did it!" The feeling of self-accomplishment can't be explained. And the same will hold true when we cross that Jordan into the promised land, and hear Jesus say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!" We'll be able to say, "WOW, I did it!"