Love Beyond Reason
Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another
(1 John 4:11)
Thought For Today
Sometimes I wonder why God loves us so much. I wonder why never stops doing the things for us. You know, love is one of those things you do without reasoning. There shouldn't be any strings attached to your love. Jesus didn't say I will love you if you do these things. He just said, I love you. I don't love my wife because of all the great things that she does for me. I love her because I said that I would love her. Love isn't predicated on what others do for you. Love is based on your desire to please others without strings attached. God desired to show us how we should love, and so He gave of Himself to do that. I think that if we ever grasped the true meaning of how much Jesus truly loves us, it would blow our minds.