Quality Prayer Time
And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
(Mark 1:35)
Thought For Today
Often when I'm reading through the Bible, I will come across a passage where someone left home and it was a long time before they returned. For example, can you imagine what Isaac and Rebekka must have felt, knowing that their son Jacob was gone for twenty years. Or Jacob having not seen Joseph for all those years he was missing down in Egypt. Do you ever wonder how long the prodigal son was away from home? What about you? How long has it been since you've been home? How long has it been since you've spent some quality time with the Lord in prayer and told Him what is on your heart? Does He still know you as His friend, or has it been so long since you were last at home that He isn't sure if you still consider Him your friend? Few people get excited about rising early to pray. But those same few will not think twice about about rising early for secular employment. Scripture says that Jesus rose a great while before day, and went out into a solitary place and there prayed. Do you allow the flesh to control you when it is time for prayer? If the flesh can tempt you to not rise for early morning prayer, and like Perter it will tempt you to cutoff someone's ear. Remember it was Peter who slept in the prayer meeting.