Standing By

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?
(Psalms 118:6).

Thought For Today:

When we were kids and would go out to play ball, we always wanted to select the biggest and hopefully best guys to be on our team. No matter how many guys were there, if we knew someone was good, we always selected that person to be on our side first to better our chances of winning. We never took into consideration that he might get hurt and not be able to perform. But because we knew what they could do, we chose them. The psalmist said that the Lord is on my side. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't I be on His side? Doesn't scripture tell us that He's the captain of the hosts? The psalmist is speaking of divine protection here. In other words, God is standing beside David for protection. And the same is true with you. If you are His child, you are protected by Him, too. So don’t fear is standing by for your protection. I'm glad He chose to be on my side.

Our Father Knows Best


It’s A Great Day