What If
"What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:62-63)
Thought For Today:
Do you ever think about things you've done and then wonder what would have been the outcome if you had done it differently? There is always going to be those questions of, "What if". This is why we must carefully consider every decision, because they each have a consequence attached to them. What if you had been one of the apostles that Jesus chose, what would be your story? What if you had been in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost when the 120 were filled with the Holy Ghost? What if you had been present when Jesus ascended back into heaven? What if you had been there when Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave? What if you could have given your testimony to the world of what Jesus has done for you? Well, the door! That is why He saved you, so that you could share with others what He's done for you. Don't wait too late, because someday you will as yourself "what if ?".