You Need To Know

Proverbs 19:1-2

Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool. Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.

Thought For Today

Jesus told us to go into all the world and teach all nations. He knew that a soul without knowledge of Him would be destroyed and lost. Solomon said that it is not good that the soul is without knowledge. The church is to be a training ground. From the youngest to the oldest, everyone needs to be educated. So what should the church teach? The first lesson that I believe every church should teach is “Knowing Who Jesus Is”, because everything flows from this foundational knowledge. All doctrines should have an abundance of life flowing from this knowledge of Him. A second lesson that I believe every church should teach is “Knowing Who You Are In Christ.” Daniel said that the people who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32). If you never know who Jesus is, you will never know who you are and this causes many so-called Christians to struggle and never obtain victory in their relationship and walk with the Lord. The apostle Paul called for education when he said, “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things are in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give the diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall minister unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:5-11). The greatest lesson you will ever learn in your life is knowing who Jesus Christ truly is. As Paul said, “Awake to righteousness and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame” (1 Corinthians 15:34). When a soul is without this knowledge, it is not good.

Sing This Song With Me:
I'm glad I know who Jesus is, I'm glad I know who Jesus is, He's more than just a story, He is the King of Glory, I'm glad I know who Jesus is.

The Way To Prosperity


Look What tHe Lord Has Done.