Cares and Concerns

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
(1 Peter 5:6-7).

Thought For Today:

Because people seem to be living longer, many are starting to show more intrest in different kinds of health care programs, along with financial investment options. Some people are starting to put insurance plans in place so that their kids and family will not have to bare the final expenses. After all, shouldn't family take care of family? Yet what I find today is that many parents do not want to be a burden to their children, so they make other arrangements. And the younger generation does not want to be burdened down with caring for their aging parents or family members. I would like to remind us of “The golden rule”. "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." It doesn’t matter how old we are, we need to remember, “what goes around, comes around.

Do you worry and fret over your health? Do you worry and fret over unforeseen situations and circumstances? When we worry and fret, we burden ourselves down with weights. Peter warns us against allowing our cares and concerns to become hindrances when we should give them over to the Lord because He cares for us. If we would release our cares to God at the onset, they will be easier to deal with, because we know that His perfect plan will see us through. But the problem isn't that Jesus will not take care of our cares, the problem is that we won't let them go. Someone said, "If Jesus says let go, then you turn loose the rope."

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