Glad To Go To Church
"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD"(Psalms 122:1).
Thought For Today:
One of the goals that will be established for our church this year is that everyone will be challenged to bring at least one guest to church. It will be great at the end of the year to see if we have met that goal. One of the things I learned as soon as I was saved was to share my faith with others and to invite them to church. Even Phillip went after Nathanael and told him to come and see when he asked if any good thing could come out of Nazareth. And Andrew went after his brother Peter. We, too, must go after the lost. If you don't show enthusiasm about attending church, your children and others will never see the importance of the house of God. Get your clothes ready the night before church, and allow them to see you praying and worshipping in the front of the church; they will see the importance of the church. And as they grow, they will be glad to go to the house of God with you.