This Is My Story

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

Thought For Today:
"Everything has an end. Whether we are on a journey, reading a book, or watching a movie, it all comes to an end. Some people claim they knew how a book or movie would end after the first segment, act, or a few chapters. But did they truly know, or were they just guessing, and it turned out the way they thought?"

Some people read the Book of Revelation in an attempt to understand what the end times will be like and what the end of life will entail. However, many of them end up feeling discouraged and confused because they cannot interpret the references to beasts, horses, and what appear to be monsters in the book. If you are not familiar with the other 65 books in the Bible, the last book, Revelation, can be challenging to grasp. However, the Book of Revelation is primarily a book of prophecy that foretells what will happen in the future. It serves as encouragement for the born-again believer. As a born-again believer, I believe the most important thing is to ensure my name is in the Lamb's book of life, acknowledge that Jesus is God, and prepare for the Holy City. I choose not to focus on anything else because, as I plan to make it, I will be worshipping forever, so I don't get caught up in all the other details.

As we approach the end of our lives, many people don't want to think about their own mortality. Our lives can be compared to a book that we are constantly writing. At any given moment, someone might be writing the first or last chapter of our book, but eventually, it will come to an end. When someone reads about your life, what will the last chapter of your book say about you? Will it say that you were always devoted to God? Will it say that you were indecisive about serving God? Will it say that you were always complaining? Will it say that Jesus welcomed you as a faithful servant into His joy, or will it say that He rejected you as a wicked servant? This earthly life will come to an end one day, so it's important to worship God, as that is our primary duty. Ultimately, that is what matters most at the end of our story.

There’s Only One I In Commitment


Eagle Christians